
平邑疫情 平邑疫情防控中心电话

平邑疫情 平邑疫情防控中心电话

What is happening with the epidemic in Pingyi?

Recently, Pingyi has had a sudden outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic. As of now, there are 19 confirmed cases and 579 close contacts of confirmed cases in quarantine.

What measures are being taken to control the epidemic?

The local government has taken various measures to control the epidemic, including closing public places, suspending large-scale gatherings, strengthening inspection and disinfection of public transportation, and requiring all residents to wear masks in public places.

How can residents protect themselves from the epidemic?

Residents are advised to stay at home as much as possible, wear masks when going out, wash their hands frequently, and keep a distance from others. If you have a fever, cough, or other symptoms, please seek medical attention promptly.

What is the contact information for the Pingyi Epidemic Prevention and Control Center?

The Pingyi Epidemic Prevention and Control Center can be contacted at 0539-4523355. Please call if you have any questions or need assistance related to the epidemic.

What should residents do if they have been in contact with a confirmed case?

If you have had close contact with a confirmed case, please quarantine yourself at home for 14 days, monitor your health, and report to the local health department if you have any symptoms. If necessary, the health department will arrange for you to be tested for Covid-19.

What is the current situation with regards to the epidemic in Pingyi?

The situation is still being closely monitored and we will continue to update residents as new information becomes available. We urge all residents to continue following the guidelines and taking precautions to protect themselves and others. Together, we can overcome this epidemic and return to normal life.

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